Ego Leonard
Ego Leonard is een anonieme guerilla kunstenaar en schilder. Zijn werk is politiek en sociaal bevlogen. Zijn werk is tentoongesteld in Nederland, Engeland en de Verenigde Staten. Ego presenteert zichzelf als afkomstig uit een virtuele wereld.
Ego Leonard is an anonymous guerilla artist and painter. His artictic work are often political and social commentary. Works of art have been featured on several exhibitions in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States. He presents himself as a giant legoman coming out of the virtual world. A world for him that represents happiness, solidarity, all green and blossoming, with no rules or limitations. For several years however, his world has been flooded with fortune-hunters and people drunk with power. And many new encounters in the virtual world have triggered his curiosity about the way of life. He is here to discover and learn about the real world and thoughts. Ego reached out his thoughts to the world by presenting himself to the public by washing ashore on the dutch coast and on the british coast. Media all over the world got interested in his personage. Invitations brought him to several festivals, happenings and beautiful places where his presence was warmly appreciated and his energy induced a lot of people to think more positive about life. This made him an icon in the world of the guerilla art.
courtesy St. Art Gallery